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श्री विष्णु सहस्रनाम् (Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam) screenshot 1
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श्री विष्णु सहस्रनाम् (Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam) screenshot 3
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श्री विष्णु सहस्रनाम् (Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam)

N Narendra
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Описание श्री विष्णु सहस्रनाम् (Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam)

The Chanting of the Bhagavan-nama or the Divine Name has an important place in all the disciplines of the Vedic traditions. The adoration of the Divine by the name takes two forms – Japa and Stotra. Japa is the silent repetition of a single Devine name or of a Mantra. The Stotra, however, is invariably uttered aloud, and it may consist of chanting verses conveying the Glory and attributes of the God. The Sahasranam is perhaps the most popular and the holiest form of Stotras among devotees.

The Word Sahasranama means “Thousand Names”. According to the Vedic tradition there is only one manifestation sound (sabda) indicative of the supreme being (Para-Brahman), and that is called the ‘Om’, as far as the human ears could capture it. Just as that one Para Brahman is adored as manifestation in the form of many Deities, the one name ‘Om’ is indicative of Him, as It takes innumerable sound forms representing Divine attributes and other excellences. Sahasranaam is perhaps the most extensive elaboration of the God’s Names.

Developing the “Inward Concentration” is the main essence of the devotional practice of the ‘Sahasranama’. Even for Great Man like Arjuna it is difficult to the Inward Concentration. In Gita 6.34 Arjuna asks Krishna “The Mind is fickle, turbulent, powerful and unyielding. To control and concentrate is as difficult as controlling the wind itself.” So aspirants walking in the spiritual path are given the practices of varying subtlety for communion with the God. Concentrated Meditation is the highest form of communion, Japa comes next; and the Stotra and external worship come still after. While meditation and Japa can be only done imperfectly by the majority of men, Stotra and external worship can be practiced much more successfully and with greater devotional satisfaction. Hence the importance of Stotra in devotional practice.

A Stotra has Six Characteristics – Salutation, Benediction, Statement of doctrine, Praise of the Deity and his attributes, Description of his valor, forms and deeds, and Prayer. While there are Sahasranama Stotras in praise of most of the Deities of Hindu Pantheon, two of them have attained great popularity and form parts of the devotional programs of the worship of the deities to whom they are related. These are Lalita Sahasranama in praise of the Deity as the Devine Mother and Vishnu Sahasranama in praise of the Lord conceived as Maha Vishnu.

Vishnu sahasranam is a part of the Shanti parva of the Mahabharatha, Tradition says that it was composed by Sanaka, one of the Kumaras (eternally living Youths) and was transmitted to Bishma who recited it in the presence of Lord Sri Krishna to the Pandava Brothers when he was questioned by Yudisthira: Who is that Being who is the supreme Lord of all, who is sole refuge of all and by praising and worshiping whom man gains, what is good and attains to Salvation?” The Thousand names of Maha Vishnu is the answer that Bhisma gives to this enquiry.

Besides its inherent quality, the importance of the stotra has enhanced a hundredfold by the fact no less a personage that the great Sri Adi Shankaracharaya thought it worthwhile to write a commentary on it, expounding the meanings of the various names that find place in it.

The VishnuSahasra naam is the most widely chanted by people in all stations of life. A devotee should daily chant the Upanishad of his Sakha, the Gita, Rudram, Purushasukta and Vishnusahasranam. It is believed that in any case if one is not able to recite all the five on any day, chanting Vishnu Sahsranamam is sufficient.

Vishnusahsranam is open to all, irrespective of Gender, caste, creed. It can be chanted during any time of the day no special rituals are obligatory on one chanting it.

Audio : Sri Sri Tridandi China Jeeyar Swamiji (http://www.chinnajeeyar.org/)

Воспевание Бхагавана-наме или Божественное Имя имеет важное место во всех дисциплинах ведических традиций. Поклонение Божеству по имени принимает две формы - джапу и Стотр. Джапа молчаливое повторение одного имени Devine или Мантры. Стотра, однако, неизменно произносил вслух, и он может состоять из пения стихов конвейерных Славу и атрибуты Бога. Sahasranam является, пожалуй, самым популярным и святейший форма стотр среди преданных.

Слово Сахасранам означает «Тысяча имена». Согласно ведической традиции есть только одно проявление звука (шабда) свидетельствует о высшем существе (Para-Брахман), и что называется «Ом», насколько человеческие уши могли захватить его. Так же, как и один Para Брахман почитается как проявление в виде многих божеств, одно имя «Ом» свидетельствует о Нем, а Он принимает бесчисленное количество звуковых форм, представляющих божественные атрибуты и другие превосходительства. Sahasranaam, пожалуй, самая обширная разработка Божьих имен.

Развитие «внутренняя концентрации» является главной сутью преданного практике «Сахасранам». Даже великий человек, как Арджун, трудно к внутренней концентрации. В Гите 6.34 Арджун спрашивает Кришну «Ум изменчив, турбулентный, мощный и неуступчивый. Для того, чтобы контролировать и концентрат так сложен, как контролировать сам ветер.»Таким образом, искатели, идущие в духовном пути приведены практики различной тонкости для общения с Богом. Концентрированный Медитация это высшая форма общения, Japa приходит следующий; и Стотр и внешнее богослужение пришли еще после. В то время как медитация и джапа может быть сделано только несовершенно большинством людей, Стотра и внешнее поклонение может быть осуществлено на практике гораздо более успешно и с большим преданным удовлетворения. Отсюда важность Стотра в преданном практике.

Стотра имеет шесть характеристик - приветствие, Benediction, заявление о доктрине, Похвала Божеств и его атрибутов, описание его доблести, формы и делах, и молитвы. Хотя есть Сахасранама стотр похвалы большинства божеств индуистского пантеона, два из них достигли большой популярность и образуют части молитвенных программ поклонения божеств, которым они связаны между собой. Это Лалита Сахасранама в честь Божества, как Devine Матери и Вишну Сахасранама в славу Господа мыслится как Маха Вишну.

Вишну Сахасранэм является частью Шанти Парв из Махабхараты, Традиция говорит, что она была написана Санаком, один из Кумар (вечно живые отроки) и была передана Bishma, который изложенной его в присутствии Господь Шри Кришны братья Пандавов когда он был допрошен Yudisthira: кто это существо, которое является высшим Господь всех, кто является единственным прибежищем всех и хваля и поклоняясь которого получает человек, что хорошо и достигает спасения «Тысяча имен Маха Вишну? ответ, что Бхишма дает на этот запрос.

Кроме того, его неотъемлемое качество, важность стотре усовершенствовала сторицей тем фактом не менее персонаж, что великий Шри Ади Shankaracharaya подумал, что стоит написать комментарий к ней, излагая значения различных имен, которые находят место в нем.

VishnuSahasra НААМ является наиболее широко выкрикивали люди во всех станциях жизни. Преданный должен ежедневно повторять Упанишад его саха, Гиту, Рудр, пуруш-сукт и Vishnusahasranam. Считается, что в любом случае, если один не в состоянии читать все пять в любой день, воспевая Вишну Sahsranamam достаточно.

Vishnusahsranam открыт для всех, независимо от пола, касты, вероисповедания. Это можно повторять в любое время суток, никаких особых ритуалов не являются обязательными на одном воспевая его.

Аудио: Шри Шри Триданди Китай Jeeyar Свамиджи (http://www.chinnajeeyar.org/)

The Chanting of the Bhagavan-nama or the Divine Name has an important place in all the disciplines of the Vedic traditions. The adoration of the Divine by the name takes two forms – Japa and Stotra. Japa is the silent repetition of a single Devine name or of a Mantra. The Stotra, however, is invariably uttered aloud, and it may consist of chanting verses conveying the Glory and attributes of the God. The Sahasranam is perhaps the most popular and the holiest form of Stotras among devotees.

The Word Sahasranama means “Thousand Names”. According to the Vedic tradition there is only one manifestation sound (sabda) indicative of the supreme being (Para-Brahman), and that is called the ‘Om’, as far as the human ears could capture it. Just as that one Para Brahman is adored as manifestation in the form of many Deities, the one name ‘Om’ is indicative of Him, as It takes innumerable sound forms representing Divine attributes and other excellences. Sahasranaam is perhaps the most extensive elaboration of the God’s Names.

Developing the “Inward Concentration” is the main essence of the devotional practice of the ‘Sahasranama’. Even for Great Man like Arjuna it is difficult to the Inward Concentration. In Gita 6.34 Arjuna asks Krishna “The Mind is fickle, turbulent, powerful and unyielding. To control and concentrate is as difficult as controlling the wind itself.” So aspirants walking in the spiritual path are given the practices of varying subtlety for communion with the God. Concentrated Meditation is the highest form of communion, Japa comes next; and the Stotra and external worship come still after. While meditation and Japa can be only done imperfectly by the majority of men, Stotra and external worship can be practiced much more successfully and with greater devotional satisfaction. Hence the importance of Stotra in devotional practice.

A Stotra has Six Characteristics – Salutation, Benediction, Statement of doctrine, Praise of the Deity and his attributes, Description of his valor, forms and deeds, and Prayer. While there are Sahasranama Stotras in praise of most of the Deities of Hindu Pantheon, two of them have attained great popularity and form parts of the devotional programs of the worship of the deities to whom they are related. These are Lalita Sahasranama in praise of the Deity as the Devine Mother and Vishnu Sahasranama in praise of the Lord conceived as Maha Vishnu.

Vishnu sahasranam is a part of the Shanti parva of the Mahabharatha, Tradition says that it was composed by Sanaka, one of the Kumaras (eternally living Youths) and was transmitted to Bishma who recited it in the presence of Lord Sri Krishna to the Pandava Brothers when he was questioned by Yudisthira: Who is that Being who is the supreme Lord of all, who is sole refuge of all and by praising and worshiping whom man gains, what is good and attains to Salvation?” The Thousand names of Maha Vishnu is the answer that Bhisma gives to this enquiry.

Besides its inherent quality, the importance of the stotra has enhanced a hundredfold by the fact no less a personage that the great Sri Adi Shankaracharaya thought it worthwhile to write a commentary on it, expounding the meanings of the various names that find place in it.

The VishnuSahasra naam is the most widely chanted by people in all stations of life. A devotee should daily chant the Upanishad of his Sakha, the Gita, Rudram, Purushasukta and Vishnusahasranam. It is believed that in any case if one is not able to recite all the five on any day, chanting Vishnu Sahsranamam is sufficient.

Vishnusahsranam is open to all, irrespective of Gender, caste, creed. It can be chanted during any time of the day no special rituals are obligatory on one chanting it.

Audio : Sri Sri Tridandi China Jeeyar Swamiji (http://www.chinnajeeyar.org/)

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